Webinar Series on E-Mentoring: Enter the data world: Careers integrating data science and policy knowledge

29 January 2021

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The BSSc in Data Science and Policy Studies Programme's Office is collaborating with Career Planning and Development Centre to organize a Webinar on careers that integrate data science and policy knowledge. We have invited three speakers to provide the following career information:

  • how data science can be integrated into different sectors relating to policy 
  • the job nature, skills and capacities of being a data scientist 
  • how to prepare ourselves and increase our own competitive edges in the field of data science


Ms Anna LIN, JP, FCLT 

Chief Executive, GS1 Hong Kong 

[Transform Business with Data Intelligence: From the Barcode and Beyond]  

 Dr Berto LEE

Programme Manager, Civic Exchange 

[Working for a Think Tank: At the Intersection of Data, Science and Policy]

 Mr Jeffrey CHAN

Senior Data Scientist, BCG GAMMA

[Pathway to be Data Scientist in Consulting Industry: Job Nature, Required Skills and Career Prospects]

Time: 6:30PM

Format: Zoom

Registration: https://webapp.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/ras/restricted/event?id=44426


Enquiry: dsps@cuhk.edu.hk