The Use of Data Analysis in Social Media Management to Promote Engagement in Private and Public Sectors

15 November 2021

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<<線上專題講座>>:心有靈犀: 公私營機構如何透過社交媒體數據增強互動

<<Online Thematic Seminar>> : The Use of Data Analysis in Social Media Management to Promote Engagement in Private and Public Sectors


日期︰2021 年 11 月 15 日(星期一)

時間︰下午 5 時 30 分 至 6 時 30 分

形式︰本講座以 Zoom 線上會議形式進行




報名截止日期:2021 年 11 月 10 日(學院將以電郵通知 Zoom 會議 ID 及密碼)

講者:張志強先生 Co-founder & Digital Director, KREW LIMITED

主持: 黃偉豪教授 Programme Co-Director, Data Science and Policy Studies

討論人: 魯文鋒博士 Lecturer, Data Science and Policy Studies



Ken Cheung, a CUHK alumnus, is the co-founder and Digital Director of KREW LIMITED. an award-winning agency. In his career, he has served as the business and technical engineer managing the social media business of 4As agencies, such as Publicis and Dentsu.


This webinar would explain why the previous analysis-based strategy is outdated and introduce the more effective data analysis strategy for social media engagement. The speaker would highlight a reverse approach to enhance data analysis by utilizing social media as a powerful tool to generate hypothesis and optimize communication strategy in private and public sectors. If you would like to become a leader in your organization to transform social media data into intelligent decisions, you are welcome to join this webinar which would include case analysis and an interactive session.