Guest Talk by Ekimetrics: The Power and Career of Data Science

20 May 2022

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The talk by Ekimetrics was successfully held with the purpose of connecting the power of data science and social science to its application and introducing its career prospects on 20 May 2022 in the state-of-the-art Digital Scholarship Lab. The Ekimetrics team consists of Ms. Celine Wong, manager and the main speaker, and two consultants, Mr. Kevin Wong and Andrea Wong. Ekimetrics, a global data science consulting firm, helps companies from small assessments to enterprise level deployments through cutting-edge data science technology in an innovative and advanced approach.


During the talk, two real-world projects tapping the power of data science were shared with the participants (refer to the photos). The first is the creation of the thematic Big Data funds, led by the concept of Big Data and Data Science for Good Life. The second is the Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability project, an embodiment of the usage of data for good life, which applies advanced techniques including machine learning for optimization such as minimization of energy consumption.


Not only did the Ekimetrics team illustrate some of their projects in the talk, but after that, the team also enlightened the participants in the panel discussion by explaining the importance of data visualization and storytelling skills while providing solutions to their clients. In the delivery of knowledge and practice of data science in the consulting industry, the social value of data science was also emphasized. Importantly, it was highlighted that social science students like DSPS students were very competitive in applying for the data science positions in the consulting industry because of their good mix of soft and hard skills.


Please refer to the link below if you are interested in knowing more about Ekimetrics: