DSPS in the News: Knowledge Transfer and Public Engagement

4 July 2022

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In our Data Science and Policy Studies (DSPS) Programme, learning and impact does not stay inside classrooms. All our teachers are ready to take their teaching to the next level for knowledge transfer and public engagement. For example, Professor Wilson Wong, our DSPS Co-Director, are contributing to Mingpao on a regular basis. This help to serve three major purposes. First, students and individuals who are not in DSPS could still benefit from our teaching and knowledge. Second, it showcases the integration between the analytical power of data science and the insights of policymaking. Third, it shows how teaching and learning can be easy and fun. 


In sum, they give students who are interested in DSPS a glimpse of the impact and excitement of our learning which is distinctive from a hard science department and a traditional social science programme. If you would like to read some of the latest contributions by Professor Wong in Mingpao, please refer to the links below: 


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